Tactus Supporters

We cannot say this enough: we depend on your financial support to continue creating this art. And we thank you, especially in frightening economic times.

We believe in art or we would not be dedicating our lives to it. We believe that art can reach people, give voice to neighbors, make us understand each other, and bring communities together. Thank you for supporting us and thank you for supporting your community.

Supporters from our Spring 2012 campaign
Anonymous (12)
Ashley Alter
Hercules Avello
Franz Azuolas
Alice Ballard
Andrew Bannon
Davon Clark
Jennifer Corey
Valerie Giacobbe
Dawn Griffin
Stephanie Herold
Christopher Hill
Jamie Heenan
Joanna Jorge
Alan Kriegel
Sarah’s Mailman Lee
Schrodinger Mils Lemanski
James Lutz
Carolina Millard
Ashley Mills
Josh Mitteldorf
Maureen O’Hanlon
Melody Ovard
Murray and Finley Pschwalmerb
Anthony Ruiz
Lee Schwab
Dory Ford Sibley
Francis Skillman
Lauren Rile Smith
Miriam Van Werkhoven
Gavin Whitt
Liza Witmer
Nathen Wurzel